This project studies how the wellbeing of young women is affected by different social modes of dance videogames through the perspective of the Mental Health Continuum framework (Keyes, 2002).

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How does the experiment work?

In the experiment, we investigate whether these games can be part of a strategy to help young women cope with stress and negative emotions (mood) by providing different opportunities for the development of relationships and for the strengthening of ties among people who play together.

First, you’ll answer the DASS-21, a questionnaire about depression, stress and anxiety. If your DASS-21 levels are “normal” or “mild”, you will come to the lab 3 times, “Just Dance” for 30 minutes in a private room, answer a few questions about the experience and your wellbeing. When you come a 4th time for a focus group, you will get a $25 Coles Group and Myer gift card for helping.

There is no need for experience with games or dancing.

Ethics approval number: S/16/881

Click here to read the Research Project Information Sheet